Wow, what a fantastic last day of Spring term we had! We started with a fabulous whole school Easter bonnet parade and ended with a year 2 Tamboo Bamboo concert. We ate yummy Easter treats too! We were amazed with all of the fabulous Easter bonnet entries. The young Goveronrs helped to pick the winners
Category: Magic Moments
Happy Mothering Sunday to our fabulous Mums and special ladies. We hope you like your gifts the children picked for you at our Pogo’s shopping event. In our assembly we talked about the history of Mothering Sunday and how it is celebrated around the world. We also used this opportunity to talk about different kinds
Raising money for Comic relief Red Nose Day. Wearing red, looking sporty for our nose and spoon races and eating yummy comic cakes & cookies! Well done everyone for supporting this very worthy cause.
Our new Federation Vision launch day was “out of this world”. The children looked fantastic in their costumes and spent the day enjoying learning challenges linked to our learning power aliens. We also had an amazing trip to space in the science dome. Well done everybody. TOGETHER WE SHINE!
We had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day. The children and grown ups looked fantastic. We loved doing a costume parade, stopping and dropping to read throughout the day, having our parents in to read, eating scrummy cakes and lots lots more. Keep up the fantastic reading everyone!
Today in school we celebrated Shrove Tuesday and St David’s day. The children enjoyed eating delicious pancakes for their pudding! Year R also helped to make some pancakes and they helped to prepare some toppings. During our assembly we talked about the importance of these days and the associated traditions.
Today is the start of childrens mental health week. Mrs Woollett is sharing an assembly about this. During the week we will challenge the children to complete healthy minds challenges e.g. drink more water, spend extra time with family and friends, and do some exercise. Find out more about children’s mental health week at
We’ve had a fun day joining in the NSPCC NUMBER day. Thank you for taking part and helping us to raise some money for the very important and worthy charity helping children. It’s not too late to donate so follow the link
Happy Chinese New Year! In our assembly we were learning about the celebrations and traditions linked to the Chinese New Year. We listened to the Zodiac story and found out that 2022 is the year of the TIGER. The children were challenged to find out which animal represents their own birth year.
WHONICORN STORYTIME and COMPETITION! Have a look at your Tapestry, Seesaw or Dojo accounts to see Mrs Lloyd’s story time and find out more about our new competition. Can you create, design and name your own new unicorn? You can be as crazy and creative as you can! Bring your entries to the school office