Gomer Young Governors & Pupil Voice

Gomer Young Governors

Our Gomer Young Governors have a very important role to play in sharing our school community’s ideas and opinions about what we love about our fabulous school, and also what can make it even better! Two children have been selected from each class to attend these meetings. They were selected based on their application form and then voted for by their class mates.

Congratulations to our appointed Young Governors for 2024-2025, they are:

Year 1

Dolphins: Rupert & Darcie

Seals: Alfie & Bonnie

Year 2

Bumblebees: Isaac & Teddy

Butterflies: Eloise & Leah

We are looking forward to finding out who our Year R Young Governors will be once they have settled into school.

Our Meetings

October 2024

We are looking forward to having our first meeting with our new Young Governors – watch this space!

June 2024

At our June meeting, we talked with the children about transitions.

May 2024

The children had an idea about updating our Buddy Bench in our playground, the Pogos have very kindly ordered us a new one which is due to arrive very soon.

One of our Governors also me with us for a Safeguarding visit and was very impressed about all we knew about how we keep safe and the people who help keep us safe in school too.

February 2024

The Young Governors helped the Pogos (our PTA) pick the winning new Pogo logo design (designed by the children). There were so many fantastic entries, it was really tricky to choose the winner!

Congratulations to Emilia who drew the winning design!

January 2024

In January our Governors shared their thoughts and ideas on a painting for the wall of our ELSA room. They wanted to incorporate all of the class animals in their design. Here is the winning design which was painted for us by Mrs Blossom.

December 2023

Our Young Governors joined us for a community event at our local church, St Mary’s. They visited the Gomer Infant Christmas tree (beautifully decorated by our Art Subject Champions) and took photographs to share back with their classes.

June 2023

We arranged the Memorial pebbles that children had decorated around the Coronation planter ready for everyone to see and enjoy. We then shared this with the children as part of our assembly.

We also looked at the Coronation portrait that the children made. All children added photographs of themselves which together formed the portrait of King Charles III. This is now proudly displayed in our hall for all the children to see.

New ideas and things we discussed:

We talked about ideas to further develop Lunchtime Play. The children came up with these zones for all of the new play equipment and activities:

  • Reading zone (shaded area next to the Buddy Bench)
  • Construction zone (decking around the tree)
  • Hoops / gymnastics zone (grass area)
  • Running / fast games zone (main playground)
May 2023

We made some plans for the Kings Coronation. We decided to make a portrait of the King which can be displayed in school.

Queen’s Memorial

  • We want to put the pebbles that we decorated around the bench for people to see
  • We would like the bench painted red
  • We want some flowers (red, white and blue) and maybe a rose planted
  • You can sit on the bench for a quiet time
  • We need a sign to explain the area

Pupil Voice

We are really proud of our Eco Warriors. They used their Pupil Voice to share their thoughts and ideas to help protect our planet. Not only did they form an Eco Warrior Team but they presented their ideas to the whole school as part of a special assembly. They were inspired by their recent Planet Protectors Project and have now launched class challenges to help us recycle more in school and be more mindful about our planet.