A very exciting visitor in the woods this week! The Year 1 children have loved this topic and writing letters to the Gruffalo!
A very exciting visitor in the woods this week! The Year 1 children have loved this topic and writing letters to the Gruffalo!
A sneak preview of some exciting art work in the Year 1 outside area. The finished area to be revealed soon – Thank you Mrs Blossom Makes!
We would like to say a big thank you to Pogos for buying some great storage solutions for our Year R outside area. The whole area has been revamped and the children have really loved playing outside over the past few weeks. Thank you for supporting Pogo events/ fundraising, enabling great new things for the children.
As part of our enhanced P.E. curriculum experience, the children have been learning new skills with CM Sports coaches. This term the Year 1 children are learning Archery.
We loved meeting Year 1 and 2 Parents at our Year Group Welcome Meetings. The children also enjoyed showing you around their new classes and sharing books with you. Copies of the presentations are on our website for you to see too. The children have settled in so well.
The Year 1 and 2 children have settled straight back into school today and it’s great to see all of their happy, smiley faces! They can’t wait to tell you all about their new classes at home time.
A fabulous end of term for our wonderful children. Concerts, Mini-Olympics, water fun, Bug Man, discos etc were enjoyed in different Year Groups. To say goodbye to our wonderful Year 2 children we also had a red carpet and a treat from the ice cream van too (thank you Pogos!). Thank you Parents and Carers
We hope you are all enjoying the first day of the holidays. In an assembly last week the children were excited to find out about the summer reading challenge. They loved the medal, certificates and stickers too! This is all free and all you have to do is visit and join your local library! We
The children have had a fantastic morning in their new classes and there are big smiles all around. They are excited about this afternoon too and there is the opportunity after school to show you their new classrooms. The Year 2 children were excited to head over to the juniors too. Happy transition day!
We are very excited to share our new Buddy Bench with you all. Thank you Pogos for funding this and some of our Governors for building the bench. This is for all children to use, if they are in need of a friend. All of our children look out for each other but our Playtime