Category: Blogs

As part of our Curriculum we teach the children really important life skills, such as how to keep safe. We also love to have real life visitors to bring experiences to life. Today year 1 had a visit from the fire and rescue service, which they really enjoyed. Lots of children now want to be

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The year R children had a fantastic forest day experience delivered by the Fresh Air Learning company! They used lots of the skills linked to our aliens, including team work and perseverance! The children loved exploring, creating and cooking – such fabulous fun!

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Today is Armed Forces Day. We celebrated this in school yesterday by having an assembly and a special visitor sharing his experiences, memories, photos and medals. We also invited our Service families in for a special lunch together. Thank you for all that you do for our country and to keep us safe.

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Today we are celebrating World Music day. We launched with an assembly listening to music from around the world and throughout the decades! We are all very musical at Gomer We have weekly sessions delivered by Hampshire Music service, which includes whole school singing and learning to play the ukulele, recorder and bamboo tamboo! We

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The Year R children have had a fantastic week improving their balance and bicycle skills as part of the Bikeability scheme. We are also really pleased and grateful to have several balance bikes being donated to us for the children to use in school.

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We have had a fantastic time today celebrating the Platinum Jubilee with Gomer Junior school. The children played traditional games, had a picnic lunch and enjoyed a crown parade (with some special Royal guest appearances!). The day finished with a community cream tea event too, it was lovely to see families enjoying their cream teas

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We love reading! The children really enjoyed meeting the fabulous local author, Kirsty Applebaum, today. They loved reading the Princess Minna stories and had a great time in their writing workshop too! Our author day ended with Kirsty signing books for the children. A brilliant day for all, thank you to Kirsty Applebaum and The Book

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Last week was International Nurses week. Today we had an assembly thinking about people who help us and the wonderful jobs that nurses and medical professionals in the NHS do for us all. We also thought about important nurses in history like Florence Nightingale and Mary Secole.

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Wow, what a fantastic last day of Spring term we had! We started with a fabulous whole school Easter bonnet parade and ended with a year 2 Tamboo Bamboo concert. We ate yummy Easter treats too! We were amazed with all of the fabulous Easter bonnet entries. The young Goveronrs helped to pick the winners

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Happy Mothering Sunday to our fabulous Mums and special ladies. We hope you like your gifts the children picked for you at our Pogo’s shopping event. In our assembly we talked about the history of Mothering Sunday and how it is celebrated around the world. We also used this opportunity to talk about different kinds

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